A Large Number of Supernatural Situations:
The whole action of the play is governed by magic. Practically every important event in the play is a result of Prospero's magic power. The storm and the supposed shipwreck , the rescue of the passengers and their being scattered in different groups on the island , the ship being safely brought ashore with the sailors sent to sleep in the ship's hold , the coming together of Ferdinand and Miranda , the defeat of the conspiracy of Antonio and Sebastian , the foiling of Caliban's intrigue , the strange banquet and its disappearance , the songs and music of Ariel , the masque of Juno , the teasing and tormenting of Caliban by the spirits , all these are the situations which are wholly related to supernatural.
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Shakespeare's Treatment with the Supernatural in the Play The Tempest |
Supernatural Beliefs of Shakespeare's Time:
In Shakespeare's time many superstitions and supernatural beliefs were current. Belief in magic was wide spread. Two kinds of magicians were supposed to exist in those days those who commanded the services of certain superior supernatural beings and those who were believed to have entered into contract with the devil. Prospero belongs to the first category. He commands elves, demons and goblins through the medium of Ariel, and he uses this power for beneficent purposes. In accordance with popular tradition, Shakespeare has given due prominence to Prospero's use of his books, his magic wand, and his mantle. Prospero employs all four classes of spirits— spirits of fire, water, earth and air - but always either directly or indirectly through the medium of Ariel. He employs them for various purposes. The supernatural beings in this play represent not the principle of evil but the principle of good. Besides, the supernatural being here acts in obedience to a human will.
The Dramatic Purpose of Supernatural Machinery:
Prospero's supreme magic greatly diminishes the elements of suspense in the play, knowing that Prospero can do what he lies, we do not experience that feeling of uncertainty which is so essential in drama. Still, it must be pointed out, the controlling influence of supernatural machinery does not rob the human characters of their wills and their individualities. For instance, Ferdinand and Miranda do not fall in love with each other under the influence of Prospero's magic. Prospero's magic only brings them together. Their falling in love is natural. Likewise, it is not Prospero's magic but the inherent wickedness of Antonio and Sebastian which makes these two men conspire against Alonso's life. Thus the human characters behave in accordance with their natural inclinations and of their own accord. Even the repentance of Alonso is brought about by magic, it results naturally from the course of events and from Alonso's own realisation of his guilt. In brief, it can be observed that the human characters are not converted into mere puppets by the use of supernatural.